An Interactive Online Catalogue for Collaboration Scenarios

We would like to welcome you to the homepage of the catalogue for collaboration scenarios which has been created by the research group Business Software of the University of Koblenz-Landau.

This catalogue aims to illustrate different collaboration scenarios. Information for these illustrations has been derived from case studies, which explain how companies implement the vision of Enterprise 2.0 by using Enterprise Collaboration Systems. A description of the case studies that served as a data basis can be found in the article Resources.

There are multiple options for using the catalogue. By choosing the menu item Collaboration Scenarios you will find a description of all collaboration scenarios that have been identified in the case studies. At the heart of this description is a set of collaborative features which enables users to perform certain actions. The catalogue entries for collaboration scenarios highlight the frequency of the occurrence of collaborative features and actions. Additionally the relationships of collaborative features, actions and user roles are visualized with different diagrams. The catalogue entries strive to answer the question: Who uses which collaborative feature for what kind of action (and how often?) within a collaboration scenario? In order to limit the choice of collaboration scenarios, diverse filter options can be applied. A description of the Activities and Collaborative Features can be found at the respective menu items.

In a company collaboration scenarios will be embedded within Use Cases. Therefore a catalogue entry for a collaboration scenario links to the Use Cases where the respective collaboration scenario occurred. An overview of all Use Cases that have been identified in the case studies can be accessed via the menu item Use Cases. This section also provides a brief explanation of every Use Case. If you encounter terms you are not familiar with while browsing the catalogue the Glossary might help. Here you can find explanations for different terms associated with the concept of Enterprise 2.0.

Finally under the menu item About you can access more detailed information regarding the theoretical background of this catalogue. Further details with respect to the case studies and why they were chosen are also listed here. The Motivation states why this catalogue has been created.

A technical hint: Some graphics of this catalogue require JavaScript to be activated in your browser.

This catalogue is the result of a research project of master students from the department of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau at the winter term 2015/16. This research project was supervised by the research group Business Software.