Presence awarenessPresence awareness ist das Bewusstsein, dass die Möglichkeit und Bereitschaft eines potentiellen Ko...
Problem solvingSolution of individual or common problems using collaborative capabilities....
Project organizationAll activities necessary to organize a project, including typical work such as joint task managemen...
Quality managementSupport of collaborative tasks of members of the quality management....
Quote compilationAccess to information necessary to compile a quotation, e.g. existing company knowledge or finding ...
Rating informationGiving feedback on the perceived quality or usefulness of certain information....
Ratings, rankingsIt is a form of tagging, which allows users of content to rate the quality or usefulness of a partic...
Reminders, triggers, alertsReminders, Triggers und Alerts dienen dazu, bestimmte Inhalte oder Dokumente zu markieren oder hervo...
Resource planningEin Ressourcenplan stellt einen ausführlichen Zeitplan darr, der die notwendigen Ressorcen wie Kapi...
Retrieving informationActively searching information in the ECS, targeted search and assembling of existing information....
Risk managementSupport of collaborative tasks of members of the risk management....
RolesRollen sind bestimmte Benutzergruppen, die aufgrund ihrer Tätigkeit bestimmte Rechte oder Aufgaben ...
Sales opportunity handlingManagement of collective information available to decrease the time for a customer response and the...
Screen sharing/shared desktopAls Screen-Sharing oder Destop-Sharing wird die Übertragung des Bildschirminhaltes eines Computers...
SearchSearch technology must be provided to enable both facilitated and automated location of content, so ...
Shared authoringGemeinsame Authorisatzionsrechte zur Bearbeitung einer Nachricht, eines Dokumentes oder eines Person...
Shared tasksThere are three ways to share your tasks. Workspaces allow you to privately view another person's li...
Shared workspacesShared workspace bezeichnet einen gemeinsamen Arbeitsbereich im intranet oder Internet, z.B. für ve...
Sharing informationActive distribution of information to receivers with or without previous subscription (“push/subs...
Software developmentCollaborative support for software development teams, typically involving task management and docum...