Content subscriptionContent subscription bezeichnet das Abonnement von ausgewählten Inhalten....
Cooperation/CollaborationCollaboration refers to the mutual engagement of two or more parties in the achievement of common go...
CoordinationCoordination refers to the functions and activities that support the orchestration of work and tasks...
Creating meeting minutes and tasksWriting of meeting minutes and creation of corresponding tasks....
Customer communicationCollaborative activities with a focus on the customer, typically supporting CRM activities such as ...
Data aggregationData aggregation bezeichnet die Sammlung von Datenmengen...
Data integrationData integration bezeichnet das Zusammenführen von Informationen aus verschiedenen Datenbeständen....
Discussing topicsSynchronous and asynchronous conversations between people...
Discussion forumsDiscussion forums sind asynchrone Kommunikationsplattformen, die der Diskussion dienen....
Document and version controlDokumenten- und Versionskontrolle bezeichnet das Management von verschiedenen Versionen von einem Do...
Document management Dokumentenmanagement ist die Organisation und Koordination der Entwicklung, Überarbeitung, Überwac...
Documenting informationMaking information available for future use....
DokumentDokumente sind Sammlungen von Inhalten, welche als eine physische oder logische Einheit gekapselt b...
Enriching informationActivities for enriching or improving information (e.g. adding meta data / tagging)....
Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)An Enterprise Collaboration System is a software application that supports collaboration in a compan...
Enterprise communicationGeneral support of communication within the enterprise, comprising synchronous and asynchronous for...
Enterprise Social Software (ESS)Enterprise Social Software is the term for software that makes use of “social profiles” and that...
File sharingSharing of files with co-workers in directory-like structures....
Finding an expertIdentification of matter experts in the collaborative network....
Graphical flow Graphische Darstellung eines Sachverhalts....